HiringHole Guide For Do's & Dont's

Onboarded 10k+ Candidates

You can be the next one!

Make Sure You Follow The Below


  •  Determine your job search objective prior to writing the resume and tailor your resume for the position.
    • Customize your resume to match a specific job description. Use buzzwords from the industry.
    • Focus on positive results and accomplishments.
    • Keep a consistent, easily-readable format.
    • Create strong, action-oriented statements about your work.
    • List the most important, relevant items first. For example, you may decide to move your “Internships” and “Projects” sections above your “Customer Service Experience” section. Underneath each experience, you should also put the most important bullet points first.
    • Within each section, you must list experiences in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent.
    • In present times, social media plays a crucial role within the hiring process with companies and hirers making candidates’ background checks over the internet. Make sure you direct them to relevant social media. Cleaning up your social media walls of all irrelevant posts is an absolute must.
    • Qualify and quantify your experiences whenever possible. Include numbers and percentages when possible.
    • Highlight specific accomplishments rather than expand on every detail.
    • Expand on professional, volunteer, research, and classroom experiences to show transferable skills.
    • Proofread your work. Ask the Career Centre, friends, and advisors for help.


Use templates and tables included in software.

Make general claims (“Good communication skills”) without backing them up with examples.

Mislead employers about your GPA, skills, or abilities.

Include long, generic objective statements. Employers won’t read them!

Submit references on the same page as your resume. They should be kept in a separate document and provided when the employer asks for them.

Don’t go over two pages. Most underclassman candidates should have a one-page resume, but this will depend on the amount of experience you have.

Put all your eggs in one basket. Apply to multiple positions that match your career interests.

What Candidates Should Do To Be Successful

Hiring Hole Resume Writing Tips

  • Aim for a 1-Page Resume. Check out some one-page resume templates to understand how best you can achieve this.
  • Use  The HiringHole Online Resume Builder for all hospitality jobs. It makes the process simple, easy and also saves you a lot of time.

Highlighting Your Essential Set Of Skills

  • Highlight Communication Skills such as writing, speaking, listening and negotiating must be highlighted to attract employer attention.
  • Highlight Teamwork Skills (such as collaboration, honesty, communication and responsibility, etc.) are an important asset.

Tips for a Successful Interview

  • The impression you make on the interviewer often can outweigh your actual credentials. Your poise, attitude, basic skills and ability to communicate are evaluated along with your experience.
  • You and the interviewer must engage in a conversation – a mutual exchange of information and ideas.

How HiringHole Works For Employers

Create A Partner Account

You need to sign up as a Partner before you are able to log in and register your job postings.

Post Your Jobs For Free

Once you log in you will arrive at your dashboard and then you will be able to submit all the Job postings.

Start Receiving Resumes Directly

Upon our approval, your job posting(s) will reflect on our platform and you will start receiving resumes from candidates directly.

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