Essential Tools For Job Seekers

Job seeking is a tough proposition and job-seekers need elaborate preparation to land the desired jobs. Our experts have put together a list of probable situations a job-seeker would face through the journey as well as a list of skills (such as communication, problem solving and teamwork, etc.) that employers look for in job candidates no matter what the open position is. While there are particular skills needed for each industry and job, there are also core competencies that span across all professions. These are considered key employability skills and are essential to being an effective employee.

What Candidates Should Do To Be Successful

Hiring Hole Resume Writing Tips

  • Aim for a 1-Page Resume. Check out some one-page resume templates to understand how best you can achieve this.
  • Use  The HiringHole Online Resume Builder for all hospitality jobs. It makes the process simple, easy and also saves you a lot of time. This has been created with recruiters in mind – they’re easy to read, scan, and ATS (applicant tracking software) friendly.
  • Use relevant keywords to prepare a ATS-friendly resume to take maximum benefit of the ATS. 

Highlighting Your Essential Set Of Skills

  • Highlight Communication Skills such as writing, speaking, listening and negotiating must be highlighted to attract employer attention.
  • Highlight Teamwork Skills (such as collaboration, honesty, communication and responsibility, etc.) are an important asset to any employee who is part of an organization or who works with other individuals in their daily operations.
  • Highlight Interpersonal Skills (such as motivation, open-mindedness, flexibility and empathy, etc.) that enable you to build relationships .

Do’s and Don’ts of Resume Writing

  • Do’s
  • Determine your job search objective prior to writing the resume and tailor your resume for the position.
  • Customize your resume to match a specific job description. Use buzzwords from the industry
  • Don’ts
  • Use templates and tables included in software.
  • Make general claims (“Good communication skills”) without backing them up with examples.

Tips for a Successful Interview

  • The impression you make on the interviewer often can outweigh your actual credentials. Your poise, attitude, basic social skills, and ability to communicate are evaluated along with your experience and education.
  • You and the interviewer must engage in a conversation – a mutual exchange of information and ideas. Only through such a dialogue can you both determine if you, the organization, and the job are well matched. Preparation is the key.
  • Be on time.
    This often means 10-15 minutes early. Interviewers often are ready before the appointment.

How It Works For Employers

Create A Partner Account

You need to sign up as a Partner before you are able to log in and register your job postings.

Post Your Jobs For Free

Once you log in you will arrive at your dashboard and then you will be able to submit all the Job postings.

Start Receiving Resumes Directly

Upon our approval, your job posting(s) will reflect on our platform and you will start receiving resumes from candidates directly.

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